
Miettechan and ExileHero's blog. Anime figure photos and reviews! Touhou and Video games too!

Project Snap_Fig - It's go go time!

Greetings peeps how have you been?

Today I just wanted to give a quick heads up.

A while back I made a post regarding Sakura Doujin's Project Snap_Fig. The idea behind that project was to produce a photo book filled with some nice figure photography and most interestingly also provide some in depth look at how these pictures are taken. This not only includes things like camera settings but also some nice behind the scenes look at what went into producing these pictures.

So, why bring this up again?

That's simple, they have launched their crowd funding campaign in order to make this book a reality. You can head over to Indiegogo to see the crowd funding page and read all about the different tiers of contributions and all the rewards you can get.

As you can see in the sample pictures of the book, my photos of the lovely Misaka's got chosen from my submissions. Furthermore, since this is an Indiegogo campaign even if their goal is not met and you provide a pledge you won't end up empty handed. So if you ever wanted to know how photos like that are produced or you simply want a nice photo book or some of the other perks why not give them a few bucks.